
Dr. Jonas Welge



Geistiges Eigentum Pharma & Life Sciences IT- und Datenschutzrecht Vertragsrecht
Pharma & Life Sciences IT-Law & Data Protection Law Commercial Agreements Commercial Agreements

Jonas Welge berät Mandant:innen in den Bereichen des Geistigen Eigentums, Technologie- und Datenschutzrechts.

Ein Fokus seiner Beratung liegt auf der Lizenzierung und Kommerzialisierung von IP-Rechten mit besonderem Augenmerk auf Unternehmen im Life-Sciences-, Biotechnologie- und Pharma-Sektor.

Jonas ist Senior Legal Counsel bei der Evotec SE. Neben seiner Anwaltstätigkeit ist Jonas Dozent an der Hochschule für Oekonomie & Management (FOM) und gibt regelmäßig Vorlesungen zum Kartellrecht und Zivilrecht.

In seiner Doktorarbeit untersuchte Jonas Welge die kartellrechtliche Zulässigkeit von sog. "Pay-for-Delay Vereinbarungen" im pharmazeutischen Kontext.

Jonas advises clients in the field of intellectual property law, technology and data protection law.

He has particular experience in advising companies in the life sciences, biotechnology and pharmaceutical sectors, with a focus on the licensing and commercialization of IP rights as well as commercial contracts.

Jonas is Senior Legal Counsel at Evotec SE. In addition to his work as a lawyer, Jonas teaches classes on antitrust law and civil law at the University of Economics and Management (FOM) in Hamburg.

Jonas studied law with a focus on Intellectual Property Law at University of Freiburg, Germany, and at University of Grenoble, France.

He later worked at the Institute for Intellectual Property and Commercial Law at the University of Freiburg.

In his doctoral thesis (2017), Jonas focuses on antitrust and patent-law-aspects of so-called "Pay-for-Delay-Agreements" between pharmaceutical companies.

During his legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court of Hamburg, Jonas worked for the Federal Chancellery’s Foreign Policy and Security Department as well as the Federal Foreign Office at the German Consulate in Atlanta, USA.